56 research outputs found

    DeepOrgan: Multi-level Deep Convolutional Networks for Automated Pancreas Segmentation

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    Automatic organ segmentation is an important yet challenging problem for medical image analysis. The pancreas is an abdominal organ with very high anatomical variability. This inhibits previous segmentation methods from achieving high accuracies, especially compared to other organs such as the liver, heart or kidneys. In this paper, we present a probabilistic bottom-up approach for pancreas segmentation in abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans, using multi-level deep convolutional networks (ConvNets). We propose and evaluate several variations of deep ConvNets in the context of hierarchical, coarse-to-fine classification on image patches and regions, i.e. superpixels. We first present a dense labeling of local image patches via P−ConvNetP{-}\mathrm{ConvNet} and nearest neighbor fusion. Then we describe a regional ConvNet (R1−ConvNetR_1{-}\mathrm{ConvNet}) that samples a set of bounding boxes around each image superpixel at different scales of contexts in a "zoom-out" fashion. Our ConvNets learn to assign class probabilities for each superpixel region of being pancreas. Last, we study a stacked R2−ConvNetR_2{-}\mathrm{ConvNet} leveraging the joint space of CT intensities and the P−ConvNetP{-}\mathrm{ConvNet} dense probability maps. Both 3D Gaussian smoothing and 2D conditional random fields are exploited as structured predictions for post-processing. We evaluate on CT images of 82 patients in 4-fold cross-validation. We achieve a Dice Similarity Coefficient of 83.6±\pm6.3% in training and 71.8±\pm10.7% in testing.Comment: To be presented at MICCAI 2015 - 18th International Conference on Medical Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions, Munich, German

    2D View Aggregation for Lymph Node Detection Using a Shallow Hierarchy of Linear Classifiers

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    Enlarged lymph nodes (LNs) can provide important information for cancer diagnosis, staging, and measuring treatment reactions, making automated detection a highly sought goal. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm representation of decomposing the LN detection problem into a set of 2D object detection subtasks on sampled CT slices, largely alleviating the curse of dimensionality issue. Our 2D detection can be effectively formulated as linear classification on a single image feature type of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), covering a moderate field-of-view of 45 by 45 voxels. We exploit both simple pooling and sparse linear fusion schemes to aggregate these 2D detection scores for the final 3D LN detection. In this manner, detection is more tractable and does not need to perform perfectly at instance level (as weak hypotheses) since our aggregation process will robustly harness collective information for LN detection. Two datasets (90 patients with 389 mediastinal LNs and 86 patients with 595 abdominal LNs) are used for validation. Cross-validation demonstrates 78.0% sensitivity at 6 false positives/volume (FP/vol.) (86.1% at 10 FP/vol.) and 73.1% sensitivity at 6 FP/vol. (87.2% at 10 FP/vol.), for the mediastinal and abdominal datasets respectively. Our results compare favorably to previous state-of-the-art methods.Comment: This article will be presented at MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention) 201
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